Sewing For Income
Fantasizing About Sewing For Income? Part 1
Have you been wanting to make extra money or even have a full blown sewing business? If not, maybe it’s time to start. Even a beginner can take these methods and use them to make revenue from their talents as a seamstress.
These aren’t get rich schemes. They are serious methods of using this craft to make a profit. It won’t get you to retire on a tropical paradise in a mansion, but it will at least boost your budget and you can even turn it into a full time business.
First and foremost, you don’t have to have advanced tailoring techniques in order to do this. Because of the internet, there are opportunities for any level.
There are various categories to work with such as home decor sewing, baby items, alterations, and even giving lessons.
You Must Have A Plan
Before quitting your day job, there are a few tips to keep in mind when planning the business. Regarding yourself as a professional is one of them.
Research the taxes and the pricing. This will prevent you from falling short of the market value or over pricing and not getting the work.
Record keeping is a must, and it will help you to keep up with the true profits. Be realistic.
You won’t get rich overnight, nor will your business explode after a week. The most important skill that you can gain in business is perseverance. It’s a learning curve.
Only those who are determined can get past the initial time period of getting the business off the ground. Consult with experts and read all you can to gain experience from those who have succeeded.
Be Realistic With Your Expectations
Your passion for needlecraft may wane some because you are turning this into a job. Don’t let this get you down.
For some, this has taken the fun out of their hobby of sewing. To prevent this from happening, you will need to figure out how to keep the personal realm of sewing out of the professional world.
This way you will be able to enjoy both. Have a thick skin for disappointed customers. Even the best of seamstresses will have some customers that just cannot be satisfied.
Get a team of supporters that help to cheer you on as you make a sale or commission. These can also lift you up during the rough times.
The beginning is typically not smooth sailing, so you need them there at this time. Want to turn your sewing machine into your personal ATM? Some great ideas follow.
Be More Thrifty
Though this doesn’t sound like your typical business plan, those that look at a fabric store as a candy store need to make sure they stay focused.
Over purchasing will not help to improve your bottom line. Think of yourself like any other business owner. When it comes to spending, be as frugal as possible and don’t over shop.
Search for great deals and you can even sell yardage that you no longer need nor want. List unwanted but quality fabric, magazines, books, and patterns on eBay and even Craigslist. Be specific when making purchases.
For example, have a pattern in mind when it comes to choosing yardage. You can spend more later as you earn more.
Just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you need to buy it. Have an immediate need for it.
Selling Your Knowledge
Newbies are everywhere. I found this out quickly when I started my blog. Many just want to know where to start, how to make a pillow case, or single garment.
Knowing more than your students is the only requirement for teaching. You don’t have to know every technique as a seamstress to instruct others. Offer a class or lessons for children.
Check your city’s recreation center, adult education programs, and even local fabric stores. Try pitching ideas to these for a class.
High schools typically have a home economics department. These are great venues for a class. Even your own home can become a place for a demo.
It could even help your students to realize what it takes to sew in their own home. Teaching will also give your name out on the market.
It will generate other work for you as well including items that you can sell including, purses, totes, and clothing.
Sewing For Others
If you can sew clothing, use this talent to become a dressmaker and even to sew home decor. You don’t need to be able to sew everything that is thrown your way.
If you don’t have the specific skills to sew just about anything, specialize in a particular outfit or dress. You don’t have to be a generalist.
Maybe you excel in creating great fitting pants, excellent jackets, bed sets such as duvet cover and pillow cases that match. Make up business cards and get them out to dry cleaners, fabric stores and any bulletin board available.
Henry Ford is a great example. The Model T was his only product, but he made everyone want it.