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Sewing For Income

Fantasizing About Sewing For Income? Part 2

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Last week we discussed some of the methods in getting started with earning income using your sewing talents. This week I will get into some of the deeper aspects of the start up. So let’s get started!

Selling To A Higher-End Market

Research Boutiques that are higher end that sell needle arts including recycled antique fabrics, pillow covers, or baby bedding. Since these particular items will become family heirlooms and are passed down, they can command higher prices.

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Because of this you will need to use finer fabrics and make sure your techniques are perfected, but the profits are very rewardable.

If you don’t live in an area with such a boutique, this doesn’t matter. These items sell online all over the world. Or you can go to the closest city and find them.

It may be a commute to take the products up there, so schedule a certain day of the week or month to take the items to the shops.

Start Blogging Now

Just about everyone has a blog today. But a blogger that is savvy is able to earn a living by writing about anything they love and know.

Ana White, is a mother, wife, and Alaskan carpenter. She left corporate business in order to blog about here passion – creating things using her hands.

She documented the progress she and her husband were making on the home they were building. They were struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet.

But today, millions visit her site and it supports herself and family. This started out as a love of woodworking and writing about it.

If you inspire other needle workers in writing about crafts and skills in your home, people will follow you.

These stories sell because it is day to day living in your home. People will be interested in real life ups and downs, skills and passions.

Just being yourself is all you have to be a master of when writing.

Mending And Alterations

There has always been a need for professional alterations, and there always will be. If you have the skill of getting clothing to fit others, then this is in demand.

Men need shirt sleeves shortened. Women need trousers and jeans hiked up. Waistlines need taken in or let out. Dry cleaners are always in need of a good alterations professional.

Or you can advertise on Craigslist or the local fabric store. A seamstress that is great at alterations is a goldmine.

Write About What You Know To Teach Others

Is there a technique you have perfected such as adding a zipper, making button holes, sewing coat liners, and more? Share it with others.

Offer to write one free article for an online magazine. Tell them in return if they like it, you can write more for them at a cost.

Sell to article syndicating services. Or you can write these articles and start collecting them for your own eBook.

Most of what you have learned yourself came from reading about it in a book or magazine. Someone had to write those pages, so why not you?

Niche Down

Grandmothers could have an appeal for higher-end pajamas they can give as gifts. There’s also outfits for dogs and even dolls.

Think about all of the horse lovers out there. Cooling blankets, saddle blankets, and other horse clothing that is comfortable and soothing to the animal is desired.

And hand-made is always top of the list as the most desirable. Those interested in these products are willing to pay. And this can become some serious profit.

Procrastinators Need Help With Their Unfinished Projects

We know who they are. There are seamstresses of all types that are great when it comes to starting projects but never seem to finish them.

Advertising as their savior, the person who will finish up these unfinished projects could get plenty of work. Become a sewing angel and you could find yourself some great income.

New Markets And Technology

Again, writing eBooks that teach a particular skill, such as how to recycle sheets to make curtain liners, sewing a child’s wardrobe, and more are great topics to write about. 

Create a photo book of beautiful fabrics, artful quilts, and projects. You can use your own images or find free ones online. If you are a sewer and a techie, create an app.All seamstresses could use a photo book that keeps track of sewing projects, yardage, or just something to get themselves organized.

There is software that teaches you step by step on how to develop an app. And there are eBooks that discuss how to write an eBook.

The sky’s the limit. Don’t think that sewing is something you can’t make money with. It is! Many are doing it and so can you.


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